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171 Reviews

LARGE size cable trays 1500mm for Sappi Maastricht

Cable trays of LARGE size 1500mm for Sappi Maastricht. Are you looking for cable trays? Then request a quote now!

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We don't deliver gutters in this size every day. That's why we find it extra special that we received this photo from our customer!

On behalf of BAM Bouw en Techniek, we were able to supply more than 100m¹ of these custom-made DELTA cable ducts in the dimensions 150x60cm.
The gutters were installed at the Sappi Maastricht BV paper factory and are suitable for heavy traffic (class D400kN).

Thanks to BAM Bouw en Techniek for the great assignment, the pleasant cooperation and sending cool photos!

We do not deliver gutters in this size every day. That is why we find it extra special that we received these photos from our customer!

On behalf of BAM Bouw en Techniek, we were able to supply more than 100m¹ of these custom-made DELTA cable ducts in the dimensions 150x60cm.
The gutters were installed at the Sappi Maastricht BV paper factory and are suitable for heavy traffic (class D400kN).

Thanks to BAM Bouw en Techniek for the great assignment, the pleasant cooperation and sending these cool photos!

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