Reviews & Zekerheden

171 Reviews

Manhole covers Cast Iron Composite

Cast iron manhole edge with a composite manhole cover

Combination of materials for an optimal result.

Your benefits:

  • Anti-corrosion : adapted to an aggressive environment (H2S)
  • Lightweight : easy to remove
  • Non-conductive
  • Anti-theft : composite material reduces the risk of theft
  • Durability and noise-free : a cast iron frame to withstand traffic. Equipped with a double sealing joint anti-noise & anti-movement of high quality.

Inscription possible from 30 pieces.

RAL colour of your choice from 50 pieces

Elastomer joint over the entire seat of the cover.

1/4 turn locking.

Ergonomic manipulation key



  • Composite cover weighs 23kg
  • Cast iron well edge
  • Reinforced composite made of glass fiber
  • Anti-UV protection against wear and discolouration
  • Elastic joint over the entire seat of the lid
  • 1/4 turn lock in stainless steel
  • Anti-slip relief 4L


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