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171 Reviews

Self-supporting grid gutters Prefaest RI and HRI - F900

Prefaest RI and HRI self-supporting grid channels offer an innovative and efficient solution for water drainage in various environments. With their unique design and high-quality materials, these gutters are a reliable choice for a sustainable and effective water management system.

Features of Prefaest RI and HRI grate gutters:

  1. Self-supporting Design: Prefaest RI and HRI gutters are designed with a self-supporting structure, providing extra strength and stability. This makes them suitable for various loads and conditions.

  2. High-Quality Materials: Manufactured from durable materials such as reinforced concrete, Prefaest RI and HRI gutters provide corrosion resistance and long-lasting performance, even under demanding conditions.

  3. Optimal Water Drainage: The advanced design of the grilles ensures efficient water drainage, preventing flooding and minimizing the risk of damage to property.

  4. Flexibility in Application: Whether residential, commercial or industrial applications, Prefaest RI and HRI gutters easily adapt to different environments and provide a versatile water management solution.

  5. Easy Installation: The modular design of Prefaest RI and HRI gutters enables simple and quick installation, resulting in cost savings and less inconvenience during installation.

  6. Aesthetically attractive: In addition to functionality, Prefaest RI and HRI also pay attention to aesthetics. The streamlined design and choice of different finishes contribute to a visually appealing solution.

  7. Environmentally Friendly: Made with sustainability in mind, Prefaest RI and HRI gutters are an environmentally friendly choice, taking into account the impact on the environment over their lifespan.

In short, Prefaest RI and HRI self-supporting grid channels combine functionality, durability and aesthetics to meet the diverse requirements of modern water drainage systems. Invest in the future of water management with Prefaest RI and HRI gutters for a reliable and effective solution.

Download the HRI grate gutter brochure here

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